
java date和hibernate date


import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

* @author Leonel Wong
* @version 1.0.0
* @create 2008-07-24 10:10
* @see 处理时间(包括时间格式的类)
public class DateUtils {
* 取时间年的格式代码
public static String YEAR = "yyyy";

* 取时间月的格式代码
public static String MONTH = "MM";

* 取时间日的格式代码
public static String DAY = "dd";

* 取时间时的格式代码
public static String HOUR = "hh";

* 取时间24小时制的格式代码
public static String HOUR_24 = "HH";

* 取时间分的格式代码
public static String MIMUTE = "mm";

* 取时间秒的格式代码
public static String SECOND = "ss";

* 取时间毫秒的格式代码
public static String MILLISECOND = "SS";

* 格式为yyyy-MM-dd的时间
public static String YMD_FORMAT = YEAR + "-" + MONTH + "-" + DAY;
* 格式为yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss的时间
public static String YMDHMS_FORMAT = YEAR + "-" + MONTH + "-" + DAY + " "
+ HOUR_24 + ":" + MIMUTE + ":" + SECOND;

* 格式为yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SS的时间
public static String UTILTIME_FORMAT = YEAR + "-" + MONTH + "-" + DAY + " "
+ HOUR_24 + ":" + MIMUTE + ":" + SECOND + ":" + MILLISECOND;

* 格式为yyyyMMddHHmmssSS的时间
public static String CRITERIONTIME_FORMAT = YEAR + MONTH + DAY + HOUR_24

* @author 王磊
* @see 2008-03-08 获得yy-mm-dd格式的时间
* @return String date
public static String getYearMonthDay() {
return getDateByFormat(YEAR + "-" + MONTH + "-" + DAY);

* @see 返回格式为yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SS的时间字符串
* @return String date
public static String getNOWTime_0() {
return getDateByFormat(UTILTIME_FORMAT);

* @see 返回格式为yyyyMMddHHmmssSS的时间字符串
* @return String date
public static String getNOWTime_1() {
return getDateByFormat(CRITERIONTIME_FORMAT);

* @see 获得指定时间格式
* @param String
*            format 时间格式
* @return String dateStr 返回获得相应格式时间的字符串
public static String getDateByFormat(String format) {
String dateStr = "";
try {
if (format != null) {
Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
SimpleDateFormat simFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format,
dateStr = simFormat.format(date);
} catch (Exception e) {
return dateStr;

* @see 获得指定时间格式
* @param Date
*            date 时间
* @param String
*            format 时间格式
* @return String dateStr 返回获得相应格式时间的字符串
public static String getDateByFormatYMD(Date date) {
String dateStr = "";
try {
SimpleDateFormat simFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(YMD_FORMAT,
dateStr = simFormat.format(date);
} catch (Exception e) {
return dateStr;

* @see 获得指定时间格式
* @param Date
*            date 时间
* @param String
*            format 时间格式
* @return String dateStr 返回获得相应格式时间的字符串
public static String getDateByFormat(Date date, String format) {
String dateStr = "";
try {
if (format != null) {
SimpleDateFormat simFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format,
dateStr = simFormat.format(date);
} catch (Exception e) {
return dateStr;

* @see 获得当前时间
* @return Date date
public static Date getNOWTime() {
return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

* @see 把字符串类型的时间转换为yyyy-MM-dd的时间格式
public static Date getDateByStrToYMD(String str) {
Date date = null;
if (str != null && str.trim().length() > 0) {
DateFormat dFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(YMD_FORMAT);
try {
date = dFormat.parse(str);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return date;

* @see 把字符串类型的时间转换为自定义格式的时间
public static Date getDateByStrToFormat(String format, String str) {
DateFormat dFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
Date date = null;
try {
if (str != null) {
date = dFormat.parse(str);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return date;

* 功能:判断输入年份是否为闰年<br>
* @param year
* @return 是:true 否:false
* @author pure
public static boolean leapYear(int year) {
boolean leap;
if (year % 4 == 0) {
if (year % 100 == 0) {
if (year % 400 == 0) {
leap = true;
} else {
leap = false;
} else {
leap = true;
} else
leap = false;
return leap;

* 功能:得到指定月份的月底 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-12-31)<br>
* @param String
* @return String
public static String getEndOfMonth(String str) {
int tyear = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(getDateByStrToYMD(str),
int tmonth = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(getDateByStrToYMD(str),
String strtmonth = null;
String strZ = null;
if (tmonth == 1 || tmonth == 3 || tmonth == 5 || tmonth == 7
|| tmonth == 8 || tmonth == 10 || tmonth == 12) {
strZ = "31";
if (tmonth == 4 || tmonth == 6 || tmonth == 9 || tmonth == 11) {
strZ = "30";
if (tmonth == 2) {
if (leapYear(tyear)) {
strZ = "29";
} else {
strZ = "28";
strtmonth = tmonth >= 10 ? String.valueOf(tmonth) : ("0" + tmonth);
return tyear + "-" + strtmonth + "-" + strZ;

public static String getEndOfMonth(int tyear, int tmonth) {
String strtmonth = null;
String strZ = null;
if (tmonth == 1 || tmonth == 3 || tmonth == 5 || tmonth == 7
|| tmonth == 8 || tmonth == 10 || tmonth == 12) {
strZ = "31";
if (tmonth == 4 || tmonth == 6 || tmonth == 9 || tmonth == 11) {
strZ = "30";
if (tmonth == 2) {
if (leapYear(tyear)) {
strZ = "29";
} else {
strZ = "28";
strtmonth = tmonth >= 10 ? String.valueOf(tmonth) : ("0" + tmonth);
return tyear + "-" + strtmonth + "-" + strZ;

* 功能:得到指定月份的月初 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-12-01)<br>
* @param String
* @return String
public static String getStartOfMonth(int tyear, int tmonth) {
String strtmonth = tmonth >= 10 ? String.valueOf(tmonth)
: ("0" + tmonth);
return tyear + "-" + strtmonth + "-" + "01";

public static String getStartOfMonth(String str) {
int tyear = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(getDateByStrToYMD(str),
int tmonth = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(getDateByStrToYMD(str),
String strtmonth = tmonth >= 10 ? String.valueOf(tmonth)
: ("0" + tmonth);
return tyear + "-" + strtmonth + "-" + "01";

* 功能:得到指定月份的月初 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-12-01)<br>
* @param String
* @return String
public static int getMonthCountBySQU(String start, String end) {
int syear = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(getDateByStrToYMD(start),
int smonth = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(getDateByStrToYMD(start),
int eyear = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(getDateByStrToYMD(start),
int emonth = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(getDateByStrToYMD(start),
return (eyear - syear) * 12 + (emonth - smonth) + 1;

* 获得时间序列 EG:2008-01-01~2008-01-31,2008-02-01~2008-02-29
public static List getMonthSqu(String fromDate, String toDate) {
List list = new ArrayList();
int count = getMonthCountBySQU(fromDate, toDate);
int syear = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(
getDateByStrToYMD(fromDate), YEAR));
int smonth = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(
getDateByStrToYMD(fromDate), MONTH));
int eyear = Integer.parseInt(getDateByFormat(getDateByStrToYMD(toDate),
String startDate = fromDate;
String endDate = "";
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
if (syear <= eyear) {
startDate = getStartOfMonth(syear, smonth);
endDate = getEndOfMonth(syear, smonth);
list.add(startDate + "~" + endDate);
System.out.println(startDate + "~" + endDate);
if (smonth == 13) {
smonth = 1;
return list;
* 通过传入的时间来获得所属周内的时间
* @param start
* @param num
* @return
public static String getDateOFWeekByDate(String start, int num) {
Date dd = getDateByStrToYMD(start);
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
if (num==1) // 返回星期一所在的日期
c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.MONDAY);
else if (num==2) // 返回星期二所在的日期
c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.TUESDAY);
else if (num==3) // 返回星期三所在的日期
c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.WEDNESDAY);
else if (num==4) // 返回星期四所在的日期
c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.THURSDAY);
else if (num==5) // 返回星期五所在的日期
c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.FRIDAY);
else if (num==6) // 返回星期六所在的日期
c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SATURDAY);
else if (num==0) // 返回星期日所在的日期
c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SUNDAY);
return getDateByFormatYMD(c.getTime());
1 楼 hekai1990 2012-05-03  



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